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About Us

What is ToyBox? ToyBox is a set of free, playful, evidence-based letters, numbers and wellness activities for caregivers and educators with children aged 2-to-8 years. The activates have been developed by community members to support learning and wellness, to allow children a solid foundation.

Who are we? University professors, educators, caregivers, and students with backgrounds in developmental studies, education, psychology, and environmental science.

What do we do? 
- We provide free, play and evidence-based activities on 
Letters, Numbers, and Wellness to support  caregivers with children between the ages of 2-8 years old.
- We engage in community outreach and events to share free resources with educators and caregivers. 
- Host strategy development sessions and workshops in communities across Manitoba to create culturally relevant activities.
- Build on existing research to lean more about early learning in children

How does ToyBox work? Choose an activity: Letters, Numbers, or Wellness. Each activity has three levels of difficulty: Beginner, Intermediate, and Experienced. Focus on one activity per week, and have fun learning through play!

Get Involved! Enjoy the activities with your child(ren)! Follow us on social media and tell us how you are enjoying the activities! Share your cool ideas (photos, videos, stories) with your community on Facebook & Instagram and tag us, @toyboxmanitoba 

ToyBox Events Our team has attended many community events in the city of Winnipeg, as well as rural and northern Manitoba. These events include: Preschool wellness fairs, Family BBQ at Childcare centers, Family Fun Nights, Early Childhood Education Center programs, Culture Camps, Headstart programs, and many more.

"ToyBox Manitoba empowers caregivers to feel capable and worthy, and to have courage to raise children, especially during these difficult isolating times." - Dr. Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk

Our Mission

To create diverse and accessible Letter, Number and Wellness activities & lessons for parents of children aged 2-8 years old.

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Our Vision

A world where every child has access to valuable, research-based Letter, Number, and Wellness activities.

Our Team

A collaborative group of professors & educators, caregivers, university & high school students, working together to provide free support for families of young children.

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