Writing Valentines
How Sweet!
Create Valentine's cards for the special people in your life, encouraging your child to draw pictures, print simple words, and the recipient's name.
Tip: Brainstorm words such as love, happy, hugs, and have your child practice writing short words.
Create Valentine's cards with simple messages like, "I love you," "You are special to me/us"
Tip: Encourage your child to write slowly and neatly, so recipients can read their card with ease.
Come up with personalized messages for your Valentines as a family, and help your child spell difficult words by sounding them out.
Tip: Point out unconventional letter sounds like how "ph" sounds like the letter F in words like phone and photo.
Why is this important?
Writing messages of love and appreciation for the special people in our lives is a great way to spread joy while practicing early writing and fine motor skills.
Looking for information?
Check out our Letter Formation resource to use alongside your Valentine creations!
Reference: Kumar, A., & Epley, N. (2018). Undervaluing Gratitude: Expressers Misunderstand the Consequences of Showing Appreciation. https://journals-sagepub-com.uwinnipeg.idm.oclc.org/doi/10.1177/0956797618772506 Schinke, S. P., Cole, K. C., & Poulin, S. R. (2000). Enhancing the educational achievement of at-risk youth. Prevention Science, 1(1), 51–60