Who's Who in the Zoo?
Animals Assortment
Take a trip to the zoo or use your imagination with toy animals. Identify different animals and sort them into groups.
Tip: Put all the bears together or sort animals by size.
Sort animals by how they move or how many legs they have.
Tip: Sort animals by whether they fly, swim, walk, or slither.
Sort animals into specific categories.
Tip: Farm animals vs. household pets, reptile vs. non-reptile, carnivores vs. herbivores.
Why is this important?
Making categories is fundamental to learning about and perceiving the world.
Reference: Rhodes, M., & Brickman, D. (2010). The role of within-category variability in category-based induction: A developmental study. Cognitive Science, 34(8), 1561-1573. https://doi-org.uwinnipeg.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/j.1551-6709.2010.01137.x