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Number Activities

Try this months three number-related activities with your child(ren)!

Number Activities help children develop mathematical skills in fun & engaging ways by practicing concepts like money, counting, temperature, time, and patterns. These activities are designed to be fun and to foster curiosity for numbers!


Our activities can be done while shopping for groceries, during walks, on the bus or in the car, or while sorting laundry & toys. Each activity has three different levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Experienced. Each level also comes with a tip to get you started, if you're unsure how to begin. ToyBox Manitoba activities are levelled based on difficulty, with no recommended age limits, so you can have meaningful interactions and allow your child to learn at their own speed.

Deck of Cards
(N5.6) Deck of Cards.PNG

 … Count the Deck!

Let's bowl
(N7.4) Let’s Bowl.PNG

Knock 'em Down!

Math in Board Games
(N8.6) Math in Board Games.PNG

Where Do You See Math?

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