Making Mirror Reflections
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Let your child play in front of a mirror with toys they love.
Tip: Show them different shapes that appear in everyday life (heart, square, rectangle, triangle) and the reflection they create..
Explore reflections (also called symmetry) by drawing half of a heart and holding it up to the mirror to see the other half.
Tip: Once you have seen the full image, draw the other side of the heart; try other shapes
Talk about the beauty of reflections in nature (a still pond, a pinecone, a sunflower, and patterns on feathers).
Tip: Encourage the use of positive language such as, “our reflection in the pond is so beautiful, look at us!”
Why is this important?
Mirror images are part of geometry which focuses on understanding, describing shapes and patterns in life.
References: Knuchel, C. (2004) "Teaching Symmetry in the Elementary Curriculum," The Mathematics Enthusiast: Vol. 1 : No. 1 , Article 2. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1001&context=tme Jerry, L., Barbara, A., Monica, W., David, K., & Karen, F. (2019). Symmetry and measuring: ways to teach the foundations of mathematics inspired by yupiaq elders. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 9(1).