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Express Yourself
Funny Faces! 


Talk about emotions and describe how you feel.

Tip: Use faces to show emotions: silly, happy, tired, sad, mad, and surprised.


Talk about emotions and look at pictures to identify how others feel.

Tip: Look at facial expressions in pictures, story books, emojis, and magazines. 


Talk about emotions in different situations and why people may experience those feelings.

Tip: How would you feel: when you find money, forget your lunch, or open a present?

(L4.4) Express Yourself.PNG

Why is this important?

Understanding emotions is important for social skills and communication.

References: Harper, L. J. (2016). Using picture books to promote social-emotional literacy. YC Young Children, 71(3), 80. Dermata, Κ. (2019). “My Best Friends, the Books.” Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 12(2), 151–163.

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